"I simply take these photos to help me remember the ordinary. The day to day happenings that pass by so quickly. As important as it is to capture the life changing moments - it is just as important to remember and capture the ordinary. So here it is, my week of ordinary :)"
(6/14) Monday: Coffee Please?
Mondays are the worst. Today was especially rough. Heavy eyes, comfy office clothes, cushy office chair...the recipe for sleepy time. I decided to go for it and be like the cool kids. I have never ever ever had a cup of coffee before today. Now don't get me wrong, I am up for a Mocha Frapp any day at Starbucks, but a steamy hot cup of coffee to get me going in the morning had never been my thing. Now though, it will never
not be my thing. Not only is it delicious (especially when you add some hot cocoa!), but it kept me going all day. Motivated, energized - who is this new person? I love it!
(6/15) Tuesday: Not feelin' very fine, douse yourself in Calamine.
Today I woke up itchy and scratchy. There were these little red dots on my legs, fingers, arms - all over. At first I thought mosquito bites? Spider bites? Chicken pox?! But as the morning went on, each dot got larger, multiplied and then I realized what was really going on...Poison Ivy!! This past Saturday I rolled around in the grass in a MetroPark while taking some photos and must have rolled in some poison ivy. It's so gross. So, I'm at work wearing a nice business-ey dress, and my neck, face, legs, hands and arms are covered in pink calamine lotion. It was surely a sight to see.
Here are some silly Wikipedia rhymes to help you remember what poison ivy looks like so that you can avoid it like the plague :)
"Leaves of three, let it be."
"Hairy vine, no friend of mine."
"Longer middle stem, stay away from them."
My favorite: "Side leaflets like mittens, will itch like the dickens." ;)

(6/16) Wednesday: Sick as a dog.
This was my dog Wednesday night around 2AM. You may be asking yourself "Kayla, why were you up at 2AM laying in bed taking a photo of your dog sleeping in your fiance's arm?" Well. By Wednesday, my feet, legs, stomach, arms, hands, neck & face had all been exposed to the poison ivy and I could not for the life of me fall asleep. It hurt & itched and was plain miserable. The only bonus? I was able to see how freakin' cute my dog is when she sleeps. Seriously. I love her :) I ended up having to take Wednesday off of work which left me some free time to take way too much Benadryl and sleep during the day. Whoever created cold medicines that knock you out of your misery, I thank you very, very much.
(6/17) Thursday: Just 5 Minutes.
When I get a free night during the week and get to stop over to my sister-in-law's, it is SO relaxing and wonderful to get a chance to catch up with her.
Every single time I always say that I'm only going to stay for 15 minutes and
every single time 10PM rolls around and it's 3 hours later. That's just how it goes and I love it :). I grew up with two brothers and I'm thrilled to finally have a "sister". This is her preggo belly and my sweet niece is cuddled inside! I can't wait to meet her. They aren't sharing her name with anyone so that it is a fun surprise for everyone and although it's killing me, I can't wait to hold her for the first time and learn her name at that same moment. I got to feel her moving around and hiccuping which has me a million times more excited and anticipating the end of July like you can't believe. Anna's such an awesome mommy and am pretty excited to see how Cora will take on the roll of being "big sister"...Ahhhh, look at that belly!! I love it.
(6/18) Friday: Toddlers In Tiaras.
Although I find this show completely disturbing, it always seems to be that when I can't fall asleep, this is the only thing on TV, so I fall asleep watching it. Today, I lived through and photographed a real life Toddlers in Tiaras styled Dance Recital and I must say that it was quite the experience. Anyway, after the 4 hour shooting spree, I stopped at Denny's because I hadn't eaten all day, chowed on a Turkey Club Sandwhich and went over my printing packages/pricing/workflow spreadsheets & was pleasantly surprised at what I accomplished in my hour at a booth in Denny's at 11PM :)
(6/19) Saturday: I forgot to grab a photo, but not too much happened. I had a lazy Saturday morning/afternoon and second shot a wedding that evening with Jay Kossman and had a ton of fun!
(6/20) Sunday: Father's Day in PA.
Today I got to drive out to Pennsylvania and spend some QT with my Grandparents & Aunts for Father's day. It was absolutely gorgeous weather for a drive, got a little sun on the way out there and jammed to the Kate Nash station on Pandora in my car. Lovely. We had a delish lunch, chatted, laughed, enjoyed their amazing back yard that leads down to lake erie and was happy to get to spend the afternoon with family. When I got home Rick and I overindulged in some America's Funniest Home Videos and relaxed. It was the first day in over a week we had the chance to spend any time together & I missed him dearly :)
On the agenda for this coming week: client meetings, wedding dress shopping, shooting two weddings & three other shoots - all good stuff :)
mobile monday disclaimer: photos were taken on my motorola droid - don't be hatin' on the quality :)