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Monday, June 14, 2010

mobile monday: first post!

This is my first "mobile monday" post! I thought of starting this post because I have this thing called a Blackberry, more infamously known as a "crackberry". My little crackberry obsession has transferred over to my love of photos and capturing everyday memories with a camera. I don't tend to lug around my gigantic DSLR everywhere with me, so the camera on my crackberry gets some pretty solid use yet I never use the photos ... and for this reason, I am starting mobile mondays! Not sure of the specs on the camera in my phone but definitely nothing higher than 3MP. I don't get iPhone quality phone pics but to me, quality in my crackberry photos isn't the purpose. I simply take these photos to help me remember the ordinary. The day to day happenings that pass by so quickly. As important as it is to capture the life changing moments - it is just as important to remember and capture the ordinary. So here it is, my week of ordinary :)

(6/7) Monday - Spoiled Beagle Pup:
This past weekend was cuh-raaaaazy busy. I had a wedding reception Friday evening, 5 hours of driving the next day and a 10 hour wedding + 2 client meetings on Sunday. This left me with a solid workload of editing images and my very spoiled beagle, Bella, was not too happy. I had edited the majority of the day Sunday, all night Monday and all night Tuesday. By about 8:00 Bella had enough of it and decided to hop up onto me, climb onto the computer desk and stand directly in front of my monitor...She is so rotten but so so cute. Needless to say, we played & editing of two weddings was finished in less than 4 days...go me!

(6/8) Tuesday - Paperwork Central:
On top of working full time on my photography business, I also hold a full time position at a Commerical Real Estate Development & Management Office and I handle accounts receivable for our 70+ properties. Well Wednesday I had to do what I have been dreading for over a year. We have a storage site with our site plans with at least 100 plans unlabeled and unorganized. This was the task at hand and all I have to say is that I am so so thankful for having Pandora on my phone to help pass the time :)

(6/9) Wednesday - Mmmmm:
I am a pretty lucky girl. My fiance cooks, he cleans, he spoils. I am lucky. And on this particular night I was super lucky because he spoiled me with delicious burgers for dinner! We both work opposite hours so our "usual" days together are Wednesday evening and all day Sunday. I also vowed to take this weekend off of technology and not get on the computer, use my phone as little as possible and swear off facebook. I didn't get on the computer at all this night and it was amaaaaaazing. We watched the second season of grey's anatomy and crashed out early with our pup. Burgers, Grey's, the love of my life and my dog = perfection.

(6/10) Friday - A Droid Will Fill the Void:
So, notice that there is no Thursday photo...very first week into "mobile monday"and my mobile device died. I killed it actually. Thursday was not a good day. I went to the post office, locked my keys in the car...Waited there for nearly two hours. Thankfully, Sarah (my best girlfraaaand) was in the area and she stopped by with her cutie patootie daughter and had a picnic with me...Yes, right in front of the post office. It was classic. Well once they finally got there to get out my keys, I left, got back to work, and realized I didn't have my phone. I drove back to the post office to find that I must have left it on the roof of my car in the middle of talking, drove off and someone ran it over. Totally sad. Luckily though I was able to get a new phone and decided to update to the Droid after all of the rave reviews that I've heard. It's only day one of being mine but I love it already. So, needless to say, Friday was better than Thursday. Now that all of that commotion is over, I am home with a bottle of Riesling, some delish pasta that the man is cookin' and it's a warm summer night :) - "Thursday who?"

(6/11) Saturday: Relaxation & Nasty Midges
Saturday was one of the first "free" Saturdays I've had in months and the last that I will have again for the following months of wedding season. I spent the morning doing a small, casual shoot for a friend followed up by the most delicious drink everrr on earth - banana margarita, I love you. I got to spend time with my best friend and drive around for a few hours through the middle of nowhere taking photos, laughing & talking. I got to see Cortney & Mike and they're little ones. And I was able to visit the beach by myself. Although the whole day was amazing and relaxing, this was the best. In High School, my mom and I lived right on the beach and I went there every single day that I could. I'd sit and listen to music, take photos or just be. And that's what I did today. The sun, the water, the sand...all perfection...except for the Midges that you see in the photo. If you have not visited Lake Erie or experienced the midges that come to be around this time once year...you are not missing out. Thousands of them swarm the beaches and try to land on you. They don't bite, but they are nasty fo sho. I also scouted out some locations for a wedding I'm doing out there in two weeks and am SO excited. I was sad to say goodbye to my Saturday.

(6/13) Sunday: Burgers again?!
Let me start by pointing out that the little girl you see in that photo...yeah, the one over to the left, she is my niece. I love her with all my being and you can't help but laugh and be happy when around her. She is 18 months now which is my favorite age and she wants to know about and be into everything. She gives about a million kisses each time she sees you...best. thing. ever. They're all slobbery and wonderful. Anyway, today we went over and had a cook out with my brother and sister in law and got to spend some quality time with them. Rick and I can count on one hand the number of times we've eaten burgers in the last year and strangely enough this last week has been twice! We grilled out, talked, laughed, enjoyed the awesome weather outside and watched an insane episode of man vs. food. My family is small, but they're wonderful. I need to make myself take an evening out of the week, not matter how busy it gets, and go over there to visit. Cora's growing up too quickly and I don't want to miss anything. Anywho. Lovely Sunday. Lovely week.

mobile monday disclaimer: photos were taken on my blackberry/droid - don't be hatin' on the quality :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your mobile Monday blog. You are so creative in both photography (of course!) and in your writing. I really enjoyed reading about your last week. Thanks again for coming over last night..we had a blast! It's always so nice to see you and Rick and catch up! We love you both so so much. Let's try and get together at least once a month (the 4 of us)? Have a wonderful week Kayla:) Love you!


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