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Monday, September 20, 2010

two-thousand-and-eleven: free wedding giveaway!

I feel so unbelievably lucky to have the opportunity to photograph couples in love, marrying one another, and starting their life together. I love my couple's stories, hearing about how they met, the storms they've weathered, the amazing things they've accomplished together ... I honestly do love love. That is one of the most amazing parts of my job - I am surrounded constantly by people who love each other.

This year, I want to be a part of your unique love story. I am giving away one free wedding in 2011 and am looking for a couple who truly feels they deserve this giveaway.

Here are the rules:
- The couple must be getting married in 2011
- I must be available on your date
- The chosen couple will be given a wedding package that includes :
* Engagement session with DVD of images
* 10 hours of wedding coverage
* DVD of all wedding day images, fully edited
* The wedding can be anywhere. If the wedding is outside of Northeast Ohio, all travel expenses must be paid for by the bride and groom
* This contest is only applicable to new inquiries

To be entered into the give away you must do the following:
- Email me at kayla@full-bloom-photography.com with your Name, Wedding Date, Location and of course, your story! Tell me a little bit about the two of you as a couple and why this is important to you. The winner will be chosen by me and will be based on who I believe has the most unique story and is most deserving of this give away :)
- Please provide where and when your wedding will be as well as the venue the wedding and reception will be held at. If none of this information can be provided, please do not inquire.
You must have a venue chosen and a determined date to inquire.

I am so excited to hear your story - so get to typin'! The winner will be announced on November 1, 2010 via my Facebook Page and Blog. Even though you may not be picked to win this contest, a 10% discount will be given (please inquire to view my wedding package details) for only those that have submitted to this contest :)

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