It's Saturday, it's the weekend, I shot a wedding today and was home by 9PM. That makes for a great night and a great reason to put up a post on the blog! I thought I would share a little before and after post for my clients. Typical turn around time for a portait session is two weeks after we get together...Why two weeks? You mean, I don't just go home and burn the photos to a DVD and put 'em in the mail to you? No sir, no mam.
I go through every photo that we take during the session, pick out the absolute best of the best and edit away. Below is a shot from an engagement session that I did last Sunday. The first image is straight out of the camera (SOC) and the second image is fully edited and what you get back on your DVD - enjoy a little peek into what I do after we leave the session and until you get your images back :)
Straight Out of Camera

Fully Edited - Removed the keys we forgot in the background :) and did some slight adjustments. I try my hardest not to ever over-process images. Editing styles become trendy, like how the style of clothing comes and goes, and I don't ever want to leave my clients with photos that become outdated. I want your photos to always be relevant and real,
not over-processed.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend! I'll be posting the rest of this e-session by mid-next week and can't wait for it. The images are by far my favorite from this year :) ... Also, this post wins the post with the most :)'s in all of full bloom history! It's THAT kind of Saturday... :)
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