These are a few of the snapshots from our Christmas trip down to visit my mom in Southpoint, Ohio. We had SUCH a wonderful time and as 2009 is about to say goodbye - I have so much to be thankful for. In the last few years I have finally wrapped my head around being in adult, living my life on my own - just me and my fiance, paying bills, working 9-5 and making the time to maintain relationships with my family and friends while also trying to squeeze in some "me" time. 2009 brought everything together for me, it reminded me that life is never going to stop being so crazy busy and the only time is the present. From here on out, I will live my life being passionate about the three things that mean most to me - people, love and photography. So here I go - 2010, I am so ready for you and can't wait to see what amazing things I know I will accomplish! Merry Christmas to you, your loved ones and also...Happy New Year!
This is our sweet Bella...
This is my mom's sweet Rosie Posie...
Caiden & Caleb are my nephews and so, so sweet and funny. Caiden got this Black & Decker chainsaw from nanna and pappa and immediately put it to use by trying to cut down the Christmas tree - it was hysterical!
Hands down, my mom is the best cook...ever. Unfortunately, I did not inherit the ability to cook or even the desire - so my wonderful Rick is left to cook us our meals and he does a wonderful job :), a close second to mi madre.