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Sunday, May 23, 2010

jumping bean: part ii

I posted last week a short sneak from this family shoot and wanted to post just a few more of the littlest one, damien and their beagle! I am a huge lover of puppies and especially adore beagles as my bella is our favorite puppy in the world. Here's a few more images from my family session!

Meet Pee Wee - super rambunctious, but I was still able to catch these two:

Meet Damien, big brother to the ever so cute "bean":
Alanna is two and had a little difficulty in the beginning with photos until Damien had the great idea of picking some flowers, the resulting images are so cute and I love the relationship that these two have:

And here's some of Alanna playing on her own and doing what she does best ... being the cutest little blonde-haired girl on the block:

1 comment:

  1. These are great, Kayla! I especially love the B&W series of 3. Cute family...looks like you had your hands full chasing that little cutie though! ; )


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